Thursday – November 5
The Ux is a term that has gained popularity in recent years, has become a very important part at the moment of realizing projects and their presence is notorious from the first steps of these. The Ux as its name suggests is focused on the user experience, and tries to make it as pleasant as possible, avoiding extra steps and offering ease of use. So we could define the user experience or Ux as the set of elements and / or factors present in an environment or device that interact with the user, generating in this a positive or negative perception about the use of the product. The Ux is a term widely used mainly in the world of applications and websites, and this involves issues such as the graphical interface, application design, interactive controls, interactive environments, among others.
This term became official in 1990, but its concept had already been used some decades, perhaps even millennia, before. In the years 4000 before Christ, Feng Shui, which literally translates “wind” and “water”, refers to the spatial arrangement between objects and their relationship to the flow of energy. In the 500’s before Christ, in Greece, workspaces and tools were based on ergonomic principles. One of the greatest indicators of the use of the concept of ergonomics was the description of the doctor Hippocrates when describing the work space of a surgeon, in which he said that he could stand or sit as long as he was comfortable, and likewise his tools should not hinder him but at the same time be within his reach.
From 1900 onwards, we started to look for more efficient tools and a more humane approach. A clear example of this was when Walt Disney proposed in the 60’s a place where technology could be used to improve people’s lives.

It wasn’t until 1995 that the term ‘UX’ was officially used in a position Donald Norman received when he joined Apple. He wanted to cover all aspects of the user experience, including industrial design, graphics, interface, physical and manual interaction. As I mentioned in the first paragraph, the term ‘UX’ is not something new or innovative, in fact we have been using it and it has been an important part of history without giving it a name as it is today. Today is UX, tomorrow maybe it will have another name, what we must highlight here is that the user experience makes a crucial difference when designing your projects.

Diego Cañon BackEnd Developer