Wednesday – November 11
SWOT analysis (Strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats)
SWOT is a tool better used for the strategic planning of a company. Its objective is to identify the points to be perfected and the potential successful initiatives of an organization. It is usually done by the manager of the company or a marketing professional who will do the analysis.
Thus, the entrepreneur has a basis to formulate their management and marketing strategies with more confidence.
With it, we have a complete diagnosis about the company, which reduces the risks when taking an important step, such as exploring new markets, launching a new product or creating new marketing strategies.
Therefore, the SWOT matrix can help the business in the following ways:
• Give more confidence for decision making;
• Know the scene in depth;
• Understand your position in relation to the competitors;
• Anticipate external activities or trends;
• Indicate alternatives for action.
The methodology is quite versatile and easy to apply.

Therefore, it became popular and was used not only by large companies (as in its origins), but also in small businesses, new projects, products, places, blogs and even individuals.
That is, in any situation where a decision needs to be made, SWOT analysis can be used.

Isabella Alvarez – Graphic Designer