Wednesday- June 2
If you are a company or Start UP that wants to grow through marketing, it’s time to turn to: INSTAGRAM.
With 400 million users and more than 80 million publications Instagram has become an essential element of daily marketing for business.
It is important to drive Instagram growth for your business the right way.
For this reason, it is necessary to follow the following items:
1. Determine your goals.
2. Determine your metrics.
3. Determine your brand guidelines.
4. Test, repeat and optimize.
5. Anatomy of a great profile
6. Creative Inspiration
7. How to use hashtags
8. How can you incentivize the public through contests?
All of these items will be explained in a series of blogs. Next we will explain the first item “Determine your goals”.
Ask yourself the question ” What am I going to use Instagram for?”. Here we give you some ideas:
To show off your company’s internal culture: here you can share your company’s values and the culture of those who work within.
Show things to your customers and show your customers: You will be able to use Instagram as
place to showcase your products, offers and success stories.
Lead generation: you will need to consider that the users will interact with Instagram through their phone. If your forms are long, you should consider optimizing the content.
Gain followers and strategize: Gain X number of followers per day, week, month or bimonth; earn X number of likes on each publication and publish X number of videos.
This will help you gain followers little by little and you can create a plan of action to take advantage of that number of viewers.
This was item number one “determine your goals”, we will continue with the second part in a future blog.
Jessica C. Webb,
Demand Generation Marketer at HubSpot.

Isabella Álvarez – Graphic Designer