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Wednesday – January 27

Instagram is a social network that was purchased by Mark Zuckerberg, who also owns the Facebook platform. The owner of both social networks saw so much potential in Instagram that he bought it after a year and a half of its launch for $1 billion.

Currently, this platform has grown to the point of having more than 500 million active users daily. However, all this has a great advantage and is that belonging to the same owner, both social networks share the same user base and advertising platform, although we will give you some tips on how to create and grow your account in this social network, we will always recommend that you put yourself in expert hands, with specialized companies in the sector, as our agency @LAGENCYPRO where experts can take you by the hand to success in your growth.

For all this we want to bring you some tips to consider when creating an account for your product or company:

  • Reserve a username that is as close as possible to your company name.
  • When using Instagram for your brand or company, make sure the account is public.
  • Choose a profile image that relates to your brand identity and to your other social networks (e.g., company logo).
  • Complete your biography with attractive and useful information about your brand. Always include the following:
    • Who you are and what you do.
    • Use the space allocated for URLs strategically, as it is a very valuable property and is the only place on Instagram where you can add a trackable and interactive link. Use this space and change the link when necessary.
    • A pinch of personality.
  • Create a list of photos to use and include key people who are involved when you add different types of posts (e.g., Marketing Director, CEO, Direct Manager, Community Managers, PR, etc.). HR, etc.).
  • Use relevant hashtags to consolidate your tracking level (we recommend 5-10).
  • Create a hashtag for your brand and monitor it regularly (#YOURBRAND).
  • Publish according to the optimized tests you have conducted that demonstrate the highest level of interaction from your target audience.
  • Keep an eye on what your competition is doing.
  • Interact with your audience and respond to comments.
  • Avoid creating a spammy look (don’t use hashtags that don’t make sense or are not useful for your followers).
  • Run a contest to quickly increase your followers.
  • Promote your Instagram account on other social networking channels (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest) and include icons in promotional and customer newsletter emails.
  • Measure your performance with Icon square; you can’t manage what you don’t measure!
  • Have fun growing your community and increasing your brand’s audience.

Isabella Álvarez – Graphic Designer