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Friday – July 10

Within our experience creating and positioning content we have understood that the use of the BLOG has turned out to be an excellent strategy to attract a target audience, but the most important reason to create a blog is to give relevance to our pages within search engines.

Parallax Image

Be Creative at the moment you create a blog
But, why is search engine positioning important?

Underestimating this aspect on your site is a common mistake that can be reflected in the number of visits and therefore in the sales of your product or service.
To get the idea, let’s imagine that search engines are the hosts, of a large mall, that guide potential buyers to what they are in need of at the moment, and if these hosts cannot tell your store apart, don’t know about you, and can’t even know how to give directions to your customer you would never get any visitors, so to whom will you sell to? How will you recover your investment? How will you be profitable? Then ask yourself why to have a website, if it is not going to attract an audience? It would be like paying the rent of a warehouse in a ghost town.

A relevant and quality content, but above all with regular publications so that your readers do not lose the routine. The more posts you create; the more traction you can achieve towards your website.

Tips for creating a blog.
– Complement your article with images that refer to the subject of the post.
– Keep the text short, simple, and to the point.
– Post regularly, and with an established calendar. (It will help your audience to return and you also feel compelled to publish because you know that someone is waiting for your article).
– Promote your content on all your social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, or Twitter. – Write content that relates to and is of interest to your niche. – Give credit or mention the sources where you got any support information.

Most important of all, don’t think about it too much. As you create content, the path will become easier and the ideas will flow more. If you need support for your web positioning, blogging, or content creation for social networks write us to to provide personalized advice. Subscribe to our newsletter to catch all of our new blog posts!

Daxara Moras –

E-commerce Strategiecs